Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Shadow

     The Shadow first premiered on September 16, 1937. The show stared Orson Welles who was an up and coming actor. The Shadow was released before Welles created War of the World. In the program there was a man who was never scene but you only ever heard him. The characters name was The Shadow. The Shadow had many powers, such as great strength, defying gravity, speaking any language, unraveling any code, and becoming invisible with his famous ability to "cloud men's minds" that would aid him in helping people. The program was originally named "Detective Story" however, as a result of the popularity of the character The Shadow, the show was soon renamed after this star.

     In the episode of The Shadow that I listened to a young man was framed by two bank robbers to, not only assist in the crime unknowingly, but also to take the blame for the crime. As a result the young man was found guilty of several crimes and was sentenced to die in the electric chair. However, The Shadow saved the day by helping the young man provide the proof to show that he was innocent.

The Shadow

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