Monday, September 17, 2012

7 video excerpts


In this video excerpt from Wicked makeup and costumes are the primary technologies that are being used. The makeup and costumes are used to help accentuate the differences between the two girls. This is important because with out the obvious difference between them it wouldn't make sense as to why the girl in pink would be singing about making the green girl more popular. Because of her fancy bright cloths, well done hair, and pretty make up the girl in pink is obviously a more well to do and probably more well liked person compared to the green girl who is wearing plane cloths, doesn't have any makeup on (other then the green), and plane boring hair. 


This video opening from the 2012 Tony Awards uses several technologies. However the main technology that is used is the changing of the sets. Not just the fact that the sets change but how quickly it changes also  has a big effect on the production. If it weren't for the sets changing the effect on the viewer of all of the plays coming together wouldn't be as great because the audience would have to imagine everything going on instead of having the visual aid in front of them.


In this video the primary form of technology that is being used is the playing of music and sound reproduction. I consider music to be important because I believe that music and sounds can be more powerful then an image that a person could see. Furthermore I also believe that music and sound is important because it can aid in setting the feeling for a scene and helping to create a certain atmosphere. Music is also important because it can be entertainment in its self. 


In this video there are two main forms of technology that have a big effect on the production. They are the changes in the set and the changes in the lighting. The changes in the lighting have an affect on the show because lighting has an affect on how the audience will feel when they are watching a scene. In addition the changes in the set also work with the lighting in this case to help change how the viewer feels about the show. If the set never changed the performances would just run together and seem out of place. That is why lighting and set change is important. 

In this video an important technology that was used was the on stage props. The props are important to the production because they help to add a new demention to the show that would be lacking because the set is not very elaborate. At time the props are used to help lift a character up above other performers. In addition some other props are used to help give identification to what a certain performer is supposed to be.


In this video the technology that I found to be the most important was the lighting. Thought out the song depending on what part of the song we were at the lighting you change accordingly. This helps lend emotion and feeling to the song depending on what type of light is present. It also helps to keep the viewer interested though out the song. 


Finally in this video the technology that I found to be the most important was how the main character in the black suit rises up out of the car at the beginning of the performance. This is important because it sets the idea in the viewers mind that he is large and in charge. This is beneficial because the dancers that come out shortly after are taller then the man. However, as a result of him being so tall at the beginning it makes you feel like he is still conducting the dancers. 

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