Monday, September 24, 2012

Audio + Video

     Today we studied how two separate forms of media are joined together to create what we consider to be some production industry today. When the film industry was first introduced the technology did not exist to be able to synchronize audio and video together. As a result the first major movies were silent films with over exaggerated acting and lip movements to help express the message to the viewer. Once these experimental films started to be shown to some well respected film producers they said films with audio would never be successful and that they would only be a fadd. However, as soon as the general public began to be exposed to films that included synced audio they went wild and demanded more. Film producers responded to this by working to over come all the new challenges  in the production process that including audio created. Lip syncing was also used for the first time with the introduction of films that included dialogue. I found it interesting talking about how different parts of the audio and video in a movie work together in different ways to help emphasize that feelings in the audience. Audio and film are two separate things that are joined together though the process called syncing. At no point is the audio and the visual image ever joined together as one thing.

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